Raphaela McCormack Qi Gong Therapist

Qi Gong Therapy and Sound Healing Rochester NY

Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner

What is Biofield Tuning

We all have a field of energy around our bodies and this is called the biofield.  It expands about 5 to 6 feet out from the body and 2 to 3 feet above the head and below the feet.  It has a toroidal shape, similar to the cross section of an apple or any fruit or ripples in water.

When a tree is cut down, you can see the rings on the trunk, circling all the way from the outside to the centre.  Our energy field is similar. The outer membrane relates to gestation and birth, then early childhood and moving in towards the body are all the years we have lived, up to the present day.

Hypothetically, the field is like our personal ‘cloud’ where all our memories, beliefs, accidents, injuries, traumas, experiences, everything that has ever happened to us is stored in standing waves and we experience reality through the filter of our fields. 

As we go through the days of our lives, we have experiences and generate corresponding wave forms associated with those experiences and they propagate off the body.  Traumatic or stressful experiences may generate incoherent or chaotic wave forms. 

So in simple terms, when we have these experiences we leave parts of our energy, light, life force, or in scientific terms our “biophotons” out in our field, and this effects our energy level in our lives today.

With a tuning fork, I locate the area in the field, where the energy is tangled up, creating distortion or dissonance in the field.  The coherent frequency input from the tuning fork resolves the chaos and detangles what is holding that energy allowing it to be released.

When it is released, the fork acts like a magnet sweeping the energy through the field and back into the body where it can be absorbed and circulated.


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